The reflections in these posts explore improving organizational performance through personal and team development and engagement.
Join in the conversation to explore ways to create engaged environments that support growth at all levels!

The Power of Story


What are the stories that you tell yourself?  We constantly have stories running in the back of our minds, explaining what we do and why we do it. In The Power of Story, Jim Loehr helps us understand the role those stories have in our happiness and success. Loehr shows how managing energy, not time, is the key to achieving goals. Managing physical energy has to come first, laying the foundation for intellectual, emotional, and … Read More

How does your team make decisions?


Think about the last time you made a decision as part of a group. How did it go? Do you think the decision was a good one, one that will result in the desired outcome? Are you satisfied with the way the decision was made?  Do you feel that all viable options were given appropriate consideration? Whether it’s your family trying to decide which ride to go on first at Disneyland, or your organization … Read More

Six strategies to achieve goals


Have you ever built a sandcastle at the beach or in a playground? Did it turn out exactly as you wanted it to? Bringing your sandcastle vision to life is lIke achievement of any goal, it’s not always as easy as it may appear to an outside onlooker. The type of sandcastle you see here is not a casual undertaking. Success depends on the same strategies needed to achieve goals in other areas of life … Read More

Looking for ways to say “Yes!”


How often do you say “no” automatically, when the answer could just as easily be “yes”?  How might things change for you and those you work with if you were consistently looking for ways to say “yes”? Recently I spent time with a family whose overarching philosophy is to say “yes” whenever possible. To be sure, this sometimes results in muddy clothes or unorthodox uses of household items.  But really, why shouldn’t a water … Read More

Engagement: a win-win


Is engagement a good thing for businesses?  You bet it is!  So then does that mean it’s not a good thing for employees?  What do you think?  Are the two mutually exclusive?  I would say – Absolutely not!  When the people who are part of a business are actively engaged in helping that business achieve its goals and achieve its vision, everyone wins. The company wins, yes.  But so do the employees and the … Read More

Overcoming setbacks – 6 tips


Face it – we all have setbacks from time to time.  There are times when things just don’t go our way, despite all of the effort we may invest.  It’s inevitable.  Maybe you don’t get the promotion you expected, or get overlooked for a highly-coveted project assignment.  Maybe you’ve experienced something in your personal life: health issues, an injury, family strife, divorce, or the loss of someone close to you.  How do you overcome … Read More

Navigate change successfully as a team


Just when things seem to be rolling along smoothly for you and your organization – BAM!  Something changes.  Regardless of your industry or the size of your organization, you can be assured that you and your team will face changes in the months and years ahead.  We do not live in a static world and never have.  Those that survive and thrive are those who can adapt to changes in their environment and circumstances … Read More

Change management made easy


This book by Chip and Dan Heath is filled with sensible gems and practical advice for making changes that stick.  When I pulled it off my shelf just now I found dozens of passages marked in one way or another for easy revisiting.  The methods for change suggested by the Heaths are easy to apply – and in fact, you may find (as I did) that many of their successful strategies are already going … Read More

Expertise anyone?


How do we build expertise in something? Why do some people become experts in their field and others never do?Another favorite of mine from Malcolm Gladwell, here he looks at people who’ve become experts in a variety of fields – ice hockey, music, computer programming, and more. Gladwell found commonalities in those achieving high levels of success, regardless of field. A certain amount of innate talent is necessary, yes. But having that, the real … Read More

Capitalize on team strengths –


One tiny lizard in the vastness of nature – and yet an integral part. Being part of a team is like this. Every member of the team is important, each with unique skills and abilities.  How can we best capitalize on team strengths? Think about team that you’ve been a part of. Was there a role you considered less important than others? Imagine for a moment that no one showed up to fulfill that … Read More

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